General Conditions of Use and Sale

Ntc srl - ewooow provides the ewooow Services under the following terms and conditions. We invite you to read our privacy policy and our Cookie Policy.


We invite you to carefully read these general conditions of use as, by using the Services, ewooow fully accepts these General Conditions of use. We offer a wide range of Services and products and may be subject to additional terms and conditions. If you use a Service (for example: Gift Certificates or mobile applications), you will also be subject to the terms, guidelines and general conditions applicable to that particular Service.


When you use the ewooow Services or send us emails, text messages and other communications from your computer or mobile device, you communicate with us in electronic form. We may communicate with you in various ways, for example by e-mail, text message (SMS), in-app notifications, or by posting messages and communications on the site. Without prejudice to the specific provisions of the law of an imperative nature, for the purposes of this contract, accept that all purposes the contracts, notifications, information and other communications that they provide to you in electronic form satisfy the requirement of the written form, when foreseen by law .


All the contents present or made available through the Services or Products in the form of texts, graphics, logos, icon buttons, images, audio files, digital downloads, data and software collections, are the property of Ntc srl - ewooow or its content providers and are protected by international laws on copyright and database rights.


The graphic material, logos, page headers, icon buttons, characters and service marks included or made available through any of the Services or Products are trademarks or distinctive signs of Ntc srl - ewooow. All other trademarks not owned by Ntc srl - ewooow that appear on any of the Services or Products are the property of their respective owners, which may or may not be connected, connected to Ntc srl - ewooow or sponsored by Ntc srl - ewooow.


You may need your Ntc srl - ewooow account to use certain ewooow Services and be required to access your account as well as have a valid payment method associated with it. If there is a problem charging your selected payment method, we may charge any other valid payment method associated with your account.

If you use the Ntc srl - ewooow Services, you are required to keep your account and password confidential and to control access to your computer and your devices, and you accept, within the limits permitted by the applicable legal provisions, to be held responsible of all the activities that will be carried out with your account and your password. You undertake to take all necessary precautions to ensure that your password remains secure and confidential and you undertake to notify us immediately if you have reason to believe that any third party knows your password, or if your password is, or is presumably about to be, used in an unauthorized manner. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide to us is correct and complete and to notify us immediately of any changes to the information you have provided to us. You will be able to access your information from the my account section of the site.

You must not use the Ntc srl - ewooow Services: in such a way as to cause, or could cause, interruptions, damage or malfunctions to the Ntc srl - ewooow Services and its functions, or for fraudulent purposes, or in any case to commit illegal activities, or to cause disturbance, prejudice or apprehension.

We reserve the right to prevent access to the site and / or to the Ntc srl - ewooow Services, to suspend or close an account, to remove or modify the contents of the site at our discretion, in case of violation of the applicable legal provisions, of these General Conditions of Use or applicable guidelines or policies.


It is allowed to post reviews, comments and other content, send e-cards and other communications and submit suggestions, ideas, comments, questions or other information, as long as the content is not unlawful (i.e. obscene, abusive, intimidating, defamatory, does not violate privacy , intellectual property rights or is not in any other way offensive towards Ntc srl - ewooow and / or third parties or deplorable and does not or in any case does not contain viruses, political propaganda, commercial solicitation, chain letter, mass e-mail or any other form of spamming). You will not be able to use a fake email address, pretend to be another person or subject, or otherwise lie about the origin of a postcard or other content. We reserve the right to remove or modify such content. If you believe that a content, or a sales advertisement published on the site or used as part of the Ntc srl - ewooow Services, contains a defamatory statement or that your intellectual property right has been violated by an article or information on the site or used as part of the Ntc srl - ewooow Services, we invite you to complete and send us an email to and we will promptly.


Subjects other than Ntc srl - ewooow manage shops, provide services or sell product lines on this site. We also provide links to affiliate company sites and other businesses. We are not responsible for the control or evaluation of these commercial operators or these subjects or the content of their sites, nor do we offer guarantees on their sales proposals. Ntc srl - ewooow cannot in any way be held responsible for the actions, products and contents of all these subjects or any third party. You will be able to notify us when a third party is involved in your transactions, and we will be able to share information relating to transactions with these parties. We invite you to carefully review their privacy policies and other terms of use.


Ntc srl - ewooow allows third party sellers to sell their products on - ewooow The detail pages of each product indicate whether the product is sold by third parties. As the provider of the e-commerce site, Ntc srl - ewooow facilitates the transactions that occur on the site, but is not part of the contract for the sale of the goods sold by these third-party sellers. Ntc srl - ewooow therefore remains unrelated to this contract, which exists exclusively between the buyer and the seller. Ntc srl - ewooow assumes no responsibility for the sales contract and its correct execution, and does not operate in any way as an agent of the seller. The seller is solely responsible for the sale of the products and for the management of disputes with the buyer


We will not be responsible for any delay or non-fulfillment of the obligations set out in these general conditions if the delay or non-fulfillment derives from unforeseeable circumstances or due to force majeure. This provision does not affect your rights deriving from the law and in particular your right to receive the purchased goods within a reasonable time or to be reimbursed in the event of non-delivery due to circumstances arising from unforeseeable circumstances or due to force majeure.


These General Conditions of Use are regulated and must be interpreted in accordance with Italian laws. The competent court is that of Palermo


We reserve the right to modify the Ntc srl - ewooow Services, policies, these General Conditions of Use and the Terms of Service at any time to offer new products or services or to comply with legal and regulatory provisions. You will be subject to the policies and terms of the General Conditions of Use from time to time in force when you use the Ntc srl - ewooow Services. If any provision of these conditions is deemed invalid, null or for any reason unenforceable, this condition will in any case not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions.


In the event of your non-fulfillment of these General Conditions of Use, our failure to exercise the right to act against you does not represent our waiver to act for the violation of the obligations undertaken by you.


We do not sell products to minors. We sell children's products that can only be purchased by adults. If you are under the age of 18, you can use the Ntc srl Services - ewooow only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.


This site is owned and managed by Ntc srl via Giacomo Leopardi n.66 90144 Palermo VAT number 05319840822


We use cookies, pixels and other technologies (collectively, "cookies"), to recognize your browser or device, find out more about your interests and offer you essential features and services, and also for other purposes, including:

Recognize you when you log in to use our services. In this way we can provide you with product recommendations, show you personalized content, recognize you as a member of your account, allow you to use other features and personalized services.

Keep track of the preferences you indicate. In this way we can respect your preferences, for example in relation to the display of interest-based advertising.

  • Keep track of the items saved in your shopping cart.
  • Conduct research and analysis in order to improve the contents, products and services of Ntc srl - ewooow.
  • Prevent fraudulent activity.
  • Improve security.

Provide you with content, including advertising, relevant to your interests on our Ntc srl - ewooow sites and on those of third parties

  • Reporting. This allows us to evaluate and analyze the performance of our services.

Ntc srl - ewooow cookies allow you to take advantage of some of the essential features of Ntc srl - ewooow. For example, if you block or otherwise delete our cookies, you will no longer be able to add items to your Cart, complete your order or use any of the Ntc srl - ewooow products and services that require your authentication.

Authorized third parties may also set cookies when you interact with the services of Ntc srl - ewooow. Third parties include search engines, measurement and analytics service providers, social media networks and advertising companies. These third parties use cookies in the process of providing content, including advertising relevant to your interests, to evaluate the effectiveness of their ads and to perform services on behalf of Ntc srl - ewooow.

You can manage your browser cookies through your browser settings. The "Help" feature present in most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to make your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and how to disable cookies and their expiration. If you disable all cookies on your browser, neither we nor third parties will transfer cookies to your browser. In this case, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit a site and some features and services may not work.

See our Privacy Policy for more information on the type of information we collect.

Information regarding the online resolution of disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Par. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation): The European Commission grants consumers the possibility to resolve disputes online, pursuant to Art. 14 Par. 1 of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) on one of its platforms. The platform ( serves as a place where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements on disputes arising from online purchases and service contracts.